saturday 11|9|24
it’s imperative that you root yourself in gratitude at this time. so many good things are showing up for you but it’s difficult for you to see off into the distance through the smog of disappointment. your future doesn’t make to mimic your past! gratitude will grant you clear sight of your blessings by illuminating the good in your life. it’s okay to be realistic, but you’ll have to trust Spirit enough to lean into optimism. gratitude is always a good place to start.
gratitude is not a stranger to you. it may be difficult for you to practice these days but it is no stranger. you have the strength it takes to turn your life around but before you do you’re being guided to give thanks for where you are. only then can you begin to clearly see your way forth. without gratitude all will remain blurry.
you can begin, today, by listing just five things and/or people you feel gratitude for. write it down, say it aloud, and mean it! fake it till you make it if you must. what we are grateful for, we multiply.
peace be.
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