safe space
Service Description
need a listening ear? we all do. book this service if you are in need. this virtual service (zoom) is done mindfully and with respect to all parties. utilize this service to vent a bit. *if you prefer anonymity, you may submit your booking without the accurate personal information by using this form: your number will not be used outside of this service.* note that i am not a licensed therapist. i am in service and in purpose and that involves listening and support. *we are free exercise our own discernment and are not legally bound to non-disclosure. depending on the nature of what is shared, responses are not guaranteed.*
Cancellation Policy
any rescheduling for real-time services must be done 12 hours before service time. you may transfer your balance to another product or service, or regift it. to do so just email us! this request must be sent up to 12 hours before the service time window. there are no cancellations or refunds except under specific circumstances. these circumstances are determined to be eligible for refund by us. an email must be up to 36 hours before service time.
Contact Details
Florida, USA