friday 11|1|24
happy first!
did you think all the work you’ve done on yourself would not denote your strength? it does, and today you begin to walk in it. society, your peers, family, and friends may not see the work you’ve been doing as “work” but you are no less than productive. the work you’re doing not only benefits you but those around you! love on yourself a bit extra today in the ways you like. this work is hard, and the more you do it the more you need to be able to commend yourself. everyone needs to feel appreciated, and if those around you can’t give you that you can always give it to yourself. start today.
think of a child in school putting in hours of practice at home playing an instrument. there are tryouts for solos before a concert and after all the effort this child doesn’t land one. does this necessarily mean the child does not play well? does this negate the child’s value in the band? not at all. those hours of practice lend to the overall sound of the orchestra! one band, one sound (cool points if you know where that line is from!). one world.
now imagine that child’s family shows them no true support, no ‘good job’ or ‘keep it up.’ can you feel the strength in this scenario? feel it in yourself! the child’s gumption to continue is the same as yours. love on that child within you a bit extra today and know that your time to shine is coming.
peace be.
does this resonate with you?
0%not yet
0%i don’t think i’m picking up what’s being put down