saturday 12|21|24
things feeling a bit too heavy to carry? understandably so. your life is shifting! you have been lugging around entirely too much stuff in the name of strength and responsibility. sometimes responsibility looks like acknowledging your struggle, while strength can look like doing something about it. you don’t have to carry more in order to be strong; try setting some of that down, love. there is no shame in a lighter load. the bags and boxes you have been holding have been stacked up so tall you’ve had no sight! you haven’t been able to see too far past burdensome situations because those very situations have been blocking your line of vision. if you want sight, meaning relief and clarity, you are going to have to let go.
in your upcoming season you will need free hands. you will be learning, loving, and, therefore, blessed beyond measure! as you embody your higher self, continue to release all which no longer serves your purpose and highest good. this looks like surrender; it’s embracing self-discipline and releasing self-destruction. you carry the necessary power and determination to do so! there are some bags you will be guided to take with you because Spirit knows you are capable but do not fret when you are told to surrender.
you have a responsibility to fight, but there is strength in knowing when to stop. forcing will never yield better results than flowing!you are being granted a role perfectly suited to you. whether this is a job, relationship, opportunity, or ministry, this will be something to call all your own. this is smarter work, not harder work, and this is a good thing! do not be fooled into the illusion that increasing your level of difficulty simultaneously increases your worth and value. is something made just for you less significant just because you don’t have to audition it? when you are given this, take it!
you don’t have to do everything the hard way, and you don’t have to carry everything alone.
🔘”only one” x pj morton feat. stevie wonder. the lyrics are the message!
🔘you’re receiving a gift today.
🔘wear the color green if possible. this is especially for you if you’ve recently saw something you admired of the same color. eyes?
🔘in relation to the color green, your heart chakra is being balanced. “almost there!”
🔘continue eating your protein! it’s sustained the changes & upgrades being made to your energetic body.
🔘you feel your greatest heartbreaks have been betrayals by the hand of those close to you, especially family. there’s a reason for this. you needed to learn about the intention in loyalty. you have a new understanding of the word ‘family.’
🔘”get it together” x india arie. listen.
peace be.
there’s still 22% off any service! use code:growth to claim your gift or pass it along to someone else✨
what’s your opinion on ‘work’?
0%smart work > hard work
0%reward can only come from hard work!
0%it doesn’t matter so long as the work gets done.
trinkets may drop daily but remember time is relative, and all is divine timing. when you see it is when you are meant to receive it! always take only what resonates with you as confirmation or insight into your intuition, and always consider tipping & donating! these messages are always general. if you want more clarity personally, you can browse our services and book one that suits you. looking forward to collaborating!