sunday 12|15|24
you’re doing it again, ruminating on the past. this is not going to get you where you need to be. you may feel you need to suffer in order to receive the Divine’s grace but that is far away from the truth. you must come closer, but only you can bridge the gap between your sullen past and the now. the sun shines upon you but you fail to notice because of how you hang your head in shame. don’t you feel it’s warmth calling to you? there is a quiet hope you cannot hear over your own wailing that whispers, “come to me.”
Spirit and your guides have been attempting to assure you that nothing you feel you have lost is greater than what you will be given. there is an energy of frustration here because you cannot receive what is coming if you do not release what has already left! an ancestor of guide of yours says, “you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.” if you have lost it all why are you so worried? this means that once you pivot from this pattern of guilt and shame all that is left to do is to receive! you are in need of a perspective change.
the sun’s energy is here to assist you in “brightening up your spot.” put some color in your life today, open up your blinds. even if you don’t see the sun shining outside know that you are divinely love. nothing can stop you but you, so pick up that head of yours and look around. there is so much more life to live!
🔘you really are doing your best, but does your best look like the best of who you are trying to become? ponder that.
🔘something significant about apples…
🔘true colors. someone may be showing theirs to you or vice versa. this may also have to do with last night’s live reading.
peace be.
trinkets may drop daily but remember time is relative, and all is divine timing. when you see it is when you are meant to receive it! always take only what resonates with you as confirmation or insight into your intuition, and always consider tipping & donating!