tuesday 11|26|24
do you find yourself getting caught in a cycle of self-sabotage and people-pleasing? do you feel like no matter what you do, what improvements you make, you won’t arrive where you want to be? if so, this is not the time to do less; it’s the time to do more. it’s time for you to recognize the patterns in your life so you can end them. as you look into the why, consider that in these cycles there is a version of you doing its very best to protect you from perceived harm. you may find relief in thanking that version, and then releasing it with love. it may even help you to verbally express this. for example, ‘i am grateful to you for protecting me to the best of your ability, but i can take it from here.’ you don’t have to remain in the patterns you want to outgrow. there is room for you!
your job today is to begin training your mind to disassociate success from fear, doubt, and pain. it may help you to explore what’s happening when you feel premature defeat, when you quit before you start. where are you, and who is around when you feel those ways? the answers to these questions can transform your life if you can maintain accountability for the part you play in your own suffering. some people can’t accompany you to where you are headed, and that is okay!
you’re playing your part, and you’ve been playing it well, but isn’t part of people-pleasing acting in alignment with a role others want to see you in? it’s time to realign with the role you want to play. in time you’ll see you never wanted to play a role at all. you simply wanted to be cast as yourself. today, mars is going to push you into authenticity. be it through aggression, desire, or conflict, you pass this test when you act in the integrity of who you want to become and not who you’ve been.
peace be.
does this message resonate with you?
0%it does!
0%this isn’t my message.
0%some parts resonate, others dont. (discernment is good!)