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today’s trinket

Writer's picture: brielle niarrabrielle niarra

tuesday 10|29|24

today stress, anxiety, and worry may feel like enemies, but you may also notice how you have befriended them. how? as humans we prefer ease, peace, and optimism over those unwelcome feelings, right? if true, why do we then seek out our “enemies?” why do we give them so much power over us and dominion over our livelihood?

we cannot fully blame ourselves, and to do so would be unproductive. it is easy to gravitate toward what has been familiar because it has become comfortable. you are being guided to take note of the ways in which you have been spending quality time with your enemies, and to begin to find ways to create more distance between you.

distance does not always equate to disconnection. slowly but surely you have noticed how you have the ability to self-sabotage when in such close proximity to these “enemies.” it will never serve you to attempt to discard any emotion, so the focus is on reflection and healthy boundaries. each emotion is energy in motion and must be felt and moved through but they do not always need to be internalized.

today, attempt to differentiate between feeling stress, anxiety, and worry and actively seeking them out through your habits. process these emotions but do not allow them control! you deserve to befriend ease, peace, and optimism as well.

peace be.

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